Schaumburg Baseball
1999 S. Springinsguth Rd
Schaumburg, IL 60193

A first for me, it was Nerd Night the evening I attended a game here. Got to visit my brother and family as well as my friend, Barbara.
The Boomers began their operation in 2012 and play in the Independent Frontier League.

Here's the entryway to Boomer Stadium. It is easy to get to the stadium as it is right off the Route 390 (IL 390); Elgin-O'Hare Expressway. Lots of families attend the games as many of the activities outside of the baseball game are geared towards the kids.

A new scoreboard was placed in 2012 which provides lots of stats. I did tell you it was Nerd Night the evening I attended. It was mostly kids dressed up with suspenders and dark plastic framed glasses with tape or bandaides holding them together; some kids had knee highs, and some donned propeller hats. There were a few adults dressed to the occasion but it was mostly youngsters.
I'll probably comment on it a couple of times but the grass was very green and plush. Nice job grounds crew!

Trees surround the outfield walls. There's a local airport near the ballpark and many a plane flew over the stadium. Some much closer than this photo. The announcer would play clips of 'De Plane! De Plane!' (taken from the late 70's/early 80's Fantasy Island TV show). It was kind of cute.

Here's the field view taken from behind home plate. It's quite a beautiful setting and the baseball is fine.